Solo exhibition of Ieva Bluma b/w painting and colourful oil painting in gallery Claus C, Copenhagen, Denmark november 2016 photo by Tobias Thomas

Video from Ieva Bluma solo exhibition in gallery Claus C, Copenhagen, Denmark , november 2016 video by Tobias Thomas
Solo exhibition of Ieva Bluma “Magical Journey through Dreams to Reality” b/w paintings, b/w drawings,oil painting at gallery Putti, Riga, Latvia, november 2015, photos by Matiss Markovskis

LTV1 Rita Panorama (Latvian public TV news) reportage about my solo exhibition “Magical Journey through Dreams to Reality”in Riga, gallery Putti, 2015
Solo exhibition of Ieva Bluma oil painting, ceramics and lithography at Copenhart gallery, Copenhagen, november 2009

Solo exhibition of Ieva Bluma oil painting, b/w photography “Miracle, Challenge & Hope” at Nordic Council of Ministers gallery, Copenhagen, 2009 photos by Nordisk Ministerråd

Solo exhibition of Ieva Bluma oil painting, drawing and wood sculpture at Jyllands Posten galleri ,Kgs.Nytorv, Copenhagen 2002